Amenity business analytics solutions for finance & trading teams
Ensure first-mover advantage on the key indicators and statements that move markets
Transform unstructured data into targeted information. Amenity’s NLP is powered by industry experts on the language of business and financial markets to extract insight from regulatory filings, earnings call transcripts, news coverage, social media activity, research reports and more.
Amenity Analytics, part of Symphony, develops cloud-based text analytics solutions using NLP and machine learning.

With near human-levels of accuracy in precision and recall, achieve meaningful, repeatable results that enable reliable investment decisions
Extract, distill, and structure text from millions of documents into actionable information. Gain a clear view of the “why” while bypassing the noise
Adaptable to any source of text, Amenity solutions provide industry-specific analysis and sentiment aligned to relevant business events
Product highlights
Targeted, configurable solutions. UN Sustainable Development Goals, Diversity & Inclusion, and alpha generation.
Intelligent and scalable. Multi-entity, Thematic, and Research Quality Assessment.
Key Drivers
Track key fundamental factors. Headwinds/Tailwinds, Margin, Deception, Guidance, Competition, Pricing Power, CapEx and more.
On Demand Datasets
Via AWS Data Exchange access datasets based on Earnings Call Transcripts, ESG News, and ESG Transcripts.
Insights Platform Introduction
ESG Dashboard Introduction
Get started with us
We're happy to answer questions and get you acquainted with Symphony and our family of products including Cloud9, StreetLinx and Amenity Analytics.
- Streamline secure collaboration
- Connect market participants and workflows
- Empower data and insights
- Enable security & compliance
- Deploy and build integrations, apps & bots
Related resources

Market Insights
Stay Informed and See Our Analytics in Action
January 13, 2023

Watch the Latest Amenity Webinars
November 1, 2022

Use Cases
Real World Examples of Challenges and Solutions
November 1, 2022